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Over 500 international buyers register for GJEPC’s IGJS trade show in Dubai

The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council presented the third edition of its Gem & Jewellery Show in Dubai from October 10 to 12 at the Intercontinental Festival City Dubai. The GJEPC saw registration from over 500 international buyers from 32 different countries, which is its highest total yet for the event. 

The inauguration of the IGJS trade show in Dubai – GJEPC – India- Facebook

The trade show featured 45 Indian diamond and gold jewellery businesses across 50 booths, the GJEPC reported on its website. The event was designed to showcase high quality Indian manufacturing to the international jewellery industry. 
“We are happy to host GJEPC’s International Gem & Jewellery Show as it is a good way to promote Dubai as a destination and well as help the international trade to congregate at this beautiful venue,” said the Dubai Gold and Jewellery Group’s Tawhid Abdullah at the event’s inauguration, the GJEPC reported. “We are proud of the increase in bilateral gem and jewellery trade after the signing of the India-UAE CEPA. It’s a win-win situation… GJEPC adopts best-in-class practices in trade shows and we would like to adopt the same in our shows. This mutual exchange of ideas will nurture closer ties and strengthen bonds between India and Dubai.”  
The trade show was supported by the Indian government’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Embassy of India in the UAE. The event was also supported by Dubai Gold and Jewellery Group with Suntech as its co-sponsor and Sequel as its logistics partner.
“Middle East has been a significant market for the Indian gem and jewellery industry,” said GJEPC chairman Vipul Shah at the event. “Also, Dubai being a distribution centre, serves as a hub for jewellery trade across GCC, CIS, Far East, and some parts of Europe, which adds to its strategic importance and influence in the global jewellery ecosystem. The gem and jewellery trade between India and UAE has grown, particularly following the India-UAE CEPA agreement. UAE imports a total of $10.48 billion worth of jewellery from around the world, and a significant portion, approximately 30% is sourced from India, amounting to approximately $3.12 billion.”

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