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BDR Pharma launches patient-friendly prostate cancer therapy

BDR Pharma have introduced BDENZA ,enzalutamide), the world’s first oral solution, designed for the management of prostate cancer,
BDENZA will be available in oral form at Rs 27,000 for 150 ml to reduce dosage frequency and toxicity associated with excipients used in the market and enhance patient compliance, a company statement said. Could.
It said, “The innovative formulation is an important step forward in providing an effective dosage form that has fewer side effects than existing oral dosage forms of enzalutamide.”
It said the oral solution addresses the challenges faced by patients, providing convenience, reduced side effects and delicious sugar-free taste and affordability.
Dosage reduction due to tolerability of the product by patients is an advantage of the oral solution, as the dosage can be adjusted depending on the amount consumed. This flexibility is absent in existing oral dosage forms of enzalutamide.
According to WHO, prostate cancer is a growing concern, with an estimated 1.2 million new cases globally each year and an estimated 375,000 deaths. Earlier in the 1990s, it was the 8th most common cancer in men, but by 2015 it had dropped to the 3rd position in India. In India, a total of 37,416 cases of prostate cancer were reported in 2016. It was projected to increase to more than 47,000 cases by 2025.

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