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Nakul Anand: ITC’s famous hotelier Nakul Anand has retired after 45 years.

New Delhi: Nakul AnandOne of India’s most distinguished and renowned hotel and travel industry professionals and who contributed immensely to the advancement of ITC Hotel Retired from his post to reach the position he holds today Executive Director of ITC on Tuesday. He joined ITC Hotels as a management trainee in 1978 and had a long journey 45 years He rose to top positions in the company and oversaw ITC’s hospitality, travel and tourism businesses. Anand (67) was given an emotional farewell at the ITC Green Center in Gurgaon.
Anand, an Economics Honors graduate from Delhi University with an AMP degree from Bond University, Australia, served as the MD of ITC Hotels from 2003 to 2005. He was appointed as a whole-time director on the board of ITC in 2011.
“In a career spanning over four decades, Anand has been acknowledged for his vision, commitment and his role as a thought leader for the tourism and hospitality industry. Building on ITC’s ethos in sustainability, he has advocated the imperative of a sustainable business model of the hotel business. Leveraging key learnings of sustainable excellence within ITC, he has led the team at ITC Hotels to pioneer the concept of ‘Responsible Luxury’ in the hospitality industry. This commitment has earned ITC Hotels global recognition as the largest chain of hotels in the world with the maximum number of LEED® Platinum certified properties,” the ITC website says about Anand.
He has also been the head of Hotel Association of India and CII National Tourism Committee. He is currently a member of the National Tourism Advisory Council constituted by the Union Ministry of Tourism and a member of the Executive Committee of the Hotel Association of India. He is also a member of the Sustainability Hospitality Alliance’s Senior Advisory Council. Anand is currently on the board of International Travel House Limited, Gujarat Hotels Limited and Landbase India Limited, among others.

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